These are words that describe our time.  Assisted Suicide epitomizes our cultural attitude that a person  has complete and final say over their destiny.  Ironically, as Dr. Will Johnston points out, activists for assisted suicide want to make sure everyone is forced to align with their way of thinking;

Canadians who are sick and suicidal can now be put to death under various medicalized and government-approved protocols, following court and legislative victories by euthanasia activists. These activists are now turning their considerable talents to a coercive makeover of the palliative hospice movement by demanding that hospices founded on a promise to never deliberately hasten death should provide a death-hastening service.

This won’t stop with the elderly and terminally ill. Young people, children, physically disabled and mentally ill people will be recipients of the availability of ‘death hastening services.’

Adam Maier-Clayton an activist for the right to die argues; “Canada should follow the example of Belgium and the Netherlands. In those countries, people who believe their lives have become intolerable because of severe mental illness can seek permission to receive lethal drugs with a doctor or nurse’s help. ‘Every Canadian deserves this right, the right to have the ability to terminate pain that is chronic, incurable, . . . ‘”

Adam Maier-Clayton, subsequently took his own life because he suffered from a mental health condition.  He believed that he was his own saviour:

On April 13th he drove to a motel just off Highway 401, ate breakfast, and then took his own life.

In his final Facebook post he wrote: “I am my own saviour. Always have been. Always will be.”

Great trouble arises when people who believe they are their own saviour start believing that their philosophy and example should be thrust upon everyone else.

There are many who believe that they are not their own saviour and their bodies are not theirs to do with as they please. For Christians, the Bible tells us: “. . . do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s.” (1 Corinthians 6:19,20)

The right-to-die activists would save us Christians from ourselves by making sure that their right to die is also forced on  us.

They may be their own saviour but must they be ours as well?